There is no machine anywhere on earth bigger or more powerful than the Large Hadron Collider, located at CERN in Switzerland. A collider that spans 17 miles in length; it is the most powerful particle accelerator every made and many eminent physicists believe that what scientists are doing there has the potential to destroy not just the world, but the universe itself.

Just to write such a thing seems ludicrous, “…the power to destroy the universe…” However, Professor Stephen Hawking, a man considered the equal of Einstein, has this to say about the Large Hadron Collider and what it may discover. He believes it “…could pose grave dangers to our planet…the God Particle (also known as the Higgs Boson Particle) found by CERN could destroy the universe.”

Youssef Badawi / EPA

So …keeping in mind this, why on Earth is the Nimrod Palymra Arch Opening near Cern in March 2017? 

Fabulous presentation by R$S Round SaturnsEye

Shocking!! “Arch of Baal” to be built near CERN on March 25, 2017.

Illuminati anti-christ ritual exposed, Palmyra Arch.
This agenda is using “imititative” and “symbollic” magic to represent ‘the gate’ or ‘portal’ of Baal/Nimrod/Babylon ritualistically.

March 25, 2017 is the 84th day of the year 2017 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 281 days remaining until the end of the year. The day of the week is Saturday. SATURNday.

On Sunday 12th February 2017 the replica  of the temple of ba’al was erected for the opening of the World Government Summit based in Dubai.   The World Government Summit Organization is founded in collaboration with the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations, World Economic Forum, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, OECD and CLAD. Together with this organisations, the World Government Summit Organization  aims to commit itself in shaping the future of more than 7 billion people across the world. This global platform is dedicated to shaping the future of the government worldwide, in which the organisationsutilise  technology, innovation and opportunities to enhance and solve the problems facing humanity annually.  A really good article written by Alex Newman entitled At “World Government Summit,” Top Globalists Drop The Mask delves into the operation and is really worth reading here.

According to one rabbi  this has created a scene that  symbolises the dangerous fusion of Ishmael and Edom against Israel.

The temple erected here, during this auspicious event is the globalists dream of a utopia where humanity has been united under a one world government, a one world economy and a one world religion. The globalists understand the power of symbols very well. The erecting of this arch in Dubai at the exact same time the “World Government Summit” was being held sends a very powerful message.  Unfortunately the mainstream media in the western world  were almost entirely silent about this summit.

Now, cast your minds back to 2016 when originally the plan was to construct a replica of the temple of ba’al in both New York and London, but after massive amounts of uproar from the people – UNESCO and the Institute for Digital Archeology announced that they would not reconstruct the temple of ba’al but rather they would rebuild the arch of Palmyra.  

Erected in London
A recreation of the Palmyra arch, a Roman arch destroyed by Isis, goes on display at City hall Park in New York Photograph: Raya Jalabi for the Guardian

When erected in England’s Trafalgar Square the 24/7 Livecam was shut off coincidentally over the course of the three days it stood. The livecam came back online the 3rd day when the arch was gone.

The Arch of Palmyra, or also known as the Arch of Triumph is essentially the entranceway to the temple of baal. “The Monumental Arch was built sometime during the reign of emperor Septimius Severus, which lasted from 193 to 211 AD; it linked the main street of the Colonnade and the Temple of Bel.” Bel and Baal are the same deities. Both are represented in the Bible as the enemy of the Sovereign God, the Living God, the God of the Bible better known as Yahweh.

Hawking goes onto say that the Large Hadron Collider is generating such unbelievable amounts of energy that there is a danger it could inadvertently create a “vacuum bubble.” Essentially he is saying that because the universe is fundamentally unstable, in discovering the Higgs Boson, such tremendous energy is released that space and time itself can collapse catastrophically through something called “vacuum decay.”

Neil de Grasse Tyson, physicist and Director of the Hayden Planetarium (and a prominent atheist), also believes, like Hawking, that the experiments being planned and conducted at CERN are a legitimate danger to the future of mankind.

Both these eminent scientists have sounded their warnings independently. Both of them are genuinely worried. Hawking has even suggested that the LHC and what they are doing there actually “scares him.”

Indeed, so dangerous that some scientists have even taken out lawsuits to prevent and restrain CERN from operating the LHC at full power until a comprehensive risk assessment of dangers is undertaken. The lawsuits have failed and no such risk assessments have ever been undertaken

From recreating the Big Bang, to creating Dark Matter, to discovering and producing strange matter called quarks and stranglets – something that can only be done at almost unimaginably powerful high energy collisions to produce the conditions necessary to bring about actual time travel. 


In 2004, The Indian Government gifted a Statue of Shiva, a god of creation death and destruction. 

Symmetry CERN “Dance of Destruction”

During 2015 Illuminati Watcher reported that a piece of Art was being released by CERN.  

This from an ‘artistic point’ was a fabulous film which portrayed performing arts and technology colliding  with the Higgs Boson.  The dance was called  “Dance of Destruction”.  The ‘film’ is about a physicist named Lucas who is evoking a goddess deity named Claron (aka Shiva) through the Dance of Destruction. She communicates to him like Aleister Crowley’s spirits did, and instructs him on what to do. Here’s a snippet of the explanation of this video:

Claron McFadden appears, asking him if he loves the particle more than he loves himself, and, if he could, would he become one with the particle.

However, it is all rather sinister.   The spiritual realm is real and the spiritual warfare that takes place there is real, something that is an anathema to these scientists. Could it be possible that these scientists inadvertently end up opening a portal or a door not to another dimension, but into the spiritual realm, perhaps even to the Bottomless Pit or the Abyss itself?

Palmyra Arch replica displayed in:

• London – Trafalgar Square – April 19-21, 2016

• Manhattan/NYC – City Hall Park – September 19, 2016

• Dubai – unveiled at the World Government Summit at Madinat Jumeirah – February 12-14, 2017

• Florence, Italy – Palazzo della Signoria – March 27-April 27, 2017

– Palazzo Vecchio during the G7 Cultural Summit

• Arona, Italy – Museum of Archaeology – April 29 – July 30, 2017

• Palmyra, Syria – TBA

Night Watch Report

Timeline of events

People today have become so desensitised to the supernatural that they have forgotten just how dangerous it can be. For most of humanity the existence of another realm, a spiritual realm is a mere fantasy.   Why, on Earth would the gateway to the Temple of Baal visit CERN?

