In April 2022 a mysterious anonymous group calling themselves The Guardians of the Looking Glass released their first video claiming that They are former intelligence and military intelligence officers who have come together to release classified information about future events to come, professing their knowlege comes from their work on the Looking Glass artifact (alleged alien technology) that was first discovered in Iraq in the 1990s, along with other discoveries. Since April of 2022, they have released information on their YouTube Channel and other Social Media Platforms. These scenarios (or events) are based upon the existence of a system of “portals” called “Looking Glass.” In which quantum computers attached to an ancient Sumerian device enables people to view the probabilities of certain events happening in the future.

The premise developed by the Guardians is that there is an elite group of individuals who rule the world who are managing these portals to influence timelines for their own negative ends. According to the premise, the timelines end in 2030 when an extraordinary event occurs in the space time continuum. If the elite few have successfully maintained their negative influence over the timeline, then what few of us who are left will be there to serve the elite.

If you are not acquainted with this Group, Filmmaker & researcher Frank Jacob joins Jason Ballay from the QRE Network and shares his in-depth knowledge about the history of Project Looking Glass and what major events will begin to unfold.

If the Looking Glass device is real, then this will have a huge impact on today’s world. More information may be forthcoming and the Guardians ask that viewers copy and share to raise awareness and awaken more people, or download and save in the event of an internet blackout.

Twiggie, 2022

The Crystal Ball – J. W. Waterhouse, 1902